“Jubilees are a time for celebration, prayer and reconciliation creating a stronger connection to faith and a renewal of relationships with God,” said Father David Huemmer, chaplain at the St. Joseph Retreat & Conference Center. “With the opening of the Holy Doors of St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas Eve, the Jubilee 2025 is upon us!”
While millions of pilgrims are expected to travel to Rome to walk through the Holy Doors and participate in Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope events, there are local events as well.
“In the midst of the winter, we’re hosting two Day of Reflection retreats, on Psalms and Gospel Canticles, providing hope on the journey to become ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ during the Jubilee Year of 2025,” added Father Huemmer.
On January 29th, Father David Huemmer led the Psalms of Hope Day of Reflection along with Deacon Marty Stout. Guests explored how praying Psalms of Hope transforms into ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ during the Jubilee Year of 2025.
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, Fr. Huemmer and Deacon Stout will lead Gospel Canticles of Hope Day of Reflection exploring the three commonly used scriptural prayers in the prayers of the church that can be sources of hope as they point to God’s faithfulness even in the midst of difficulties. Conferences on the Magnificat (the Prayer of Mary at her pregnancy), the Benedictus (the Canticle of Zechariah in praise) and the Nunc Dimittis (the Canticle of Simeon at the arrival of the messiah) provide the bulk of the retreat. Time for Morning Prayer, Daytime Prayer, Adoration and Benediction are included. Mass, Keltie & Co. Catering lunch and time for personal reflection will round out the day. The cost is $35. Visit https://www.stjosephretreat.org/sign-up-for-an-sjrcc-retreat by February 14th.
In addition, the Retreat Center is a featured stop on the Diocesan Pilgrimage. Stop by between 8 am and 4 pm Monday through Friday throughout the year to get a Passport Stamp. For a tour during the stop, make arrangements in advance with Marketing Specialist Twyla Arnold, (765) 551-9584.