by Fr. David Huemmer, Chaplain & Spiritual Director
Psalms 116 and 117 The next two psalms in the “Great Hallel” are ones that contain many special verses that build up our trust. They fit well into the Passover liturgy that Jesus and the disciples celebrated at that Last Supper. Psalm 116 speaks clearly about the Passover experience of moving from slavery in Egypt to the freedom of the Exodus journey. The psalmist speaks of the being in the snares of death (the experience in Egypt before the Exodus) and the Lord coming to rescue and save them. Thus, the cup of salvation is raised at the Passover meal in praise of the name of the Lord. Walking in the Land of the Living is a result of God’s saving action giving direction to the people lives (the covenant). This saving action prompts the love of the psalmist for the Lord who saves.
Psalm 117 is many times attached to Psalm 116 as I have experienced in some of the monasteries at which I have been on retreat. It is the shortest psalm in the Book of Psalms, but do not let that trick you into thinking it isn’t packed with amazing insights! It is a call to all nations and all peoples to praise the Lord! This is something to consider: that this call is made as this psalm is sung during the Passover meal in which the Exodus event in prominent. Also, we are called on to ponder the love of the Lord and His faithfulness that endures forever! That line is one that touches me deeply!
As Jesus was approaching the “hour” of His Passover from death to life, this must have been something to hear as He prayed and sang these psalms with His disciples. That for which He was born: to rescue us is even embedded in these psalms!
Psalm 116 and
Psalm 117 in your Bible by using the steps in the
praying with the scriptures on our blog. Also, you might try to imagine that you are there at the Last Supper singing these psalms with Jesus and the disciples. How are these prayers helping them? Then use the questions below to help you in your meditation and prayer.
What words or phrases stood out to you as you prayed this psalm?
How could they have strengthened Jesus as He approached His upcoming Passion?
How can they strengthen us during this time of worry and fear in our lives?
Write down or even memorize that special word or phrase that gives you peace and strength.