Make the Festival of Nativities a part of your annual holiday traditions! Join us in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ by viewing more than 200 Nativity displays setup throughout our main building, December 14 and 15, 2024 from 11 am to 4 pm at the St. Joseph Retreat & Conference Center, 1440 W. Division Road, in Tipton, IN.
Both days will end with Advent Vespers at 4 pm in the St. Joseph Chapel. The Advent Vespers are the Evening prayer of thanksgiving of the church composed of psalms, antiphons, readings and intercessions. It will last about 20 minutes.
“Vespers are a tradition of the church and a beautiful way to culminate the days event by singing the praises of the Lord and giving him thanks for the gift of his Son,” said Father David Huemmer, Chaplain of the St. Joseph Retreat & Conference Center.
Set up like an Open House, guests are invited to wander through the retreat center to view the Nativity displays. Once again, the submitted Nativity sets will be divided within the building. The Emmaus room will feature nativities that are family heirlooms. Children’s sets will be displayed in the St. Clare room. The 150-piece Fontanini set will be displayed in the St. Bernard room. Guests can view nativities from around the world in the St. Elizabeth Seton room and handmade sets in the St. Jerome Library. Displays feature a description card along with the submitters name. Light refreshments will also be available.
“We couldn’t do this without a group of volunteers who are just as enthusiastic about Nativity sets as we are,” said Father Huemmer. “Some help with set up, others graciously share their Nativity sets while more volunteer during the festival. Visitors get to see many unique interpretations of the Nativity. We remain astounded at the diversity of the sets—we don’t have any duplicates!”
While submissions are still coming in, the retreat center staff expects more than 220 displays from 50 different volunteers for this year’s event. Many volunteers have a collection of Nativity scenes.
Kathy Lengerich, a former teacher who attends St. Maria Goretti in Westfield, began collecting creches after a student gave her a white, three-piece set in 2001.
“After that, I would look for Nativity scenes when I traveled or visited craft fairs,” Lengerich said. “When traveling, I had to limit the size of the creche. I did not always have suitcase room! This has resulted in a collection of ‘littles,’ as I call them. Many of these I keep out year-round.”
Once again, students from St. John the Baptist in Tipton will set up a living Nativity, including animals, in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Courtyard. SJRCC volunteer, Andi Pumphrey, is coordinating the young people and adult volunteers.
“I was so proud of the kids who volunteered to do the living Nativity last year!” said Pumphrey. “Our community really came together to build a stable, bring animals to the festival and support everyone who volunteered. This year, another parishioner created nine costumes for the students to wear!”
This family-friendly event is designed to provide a peaceful place for guests to reflect upon Christ’s sacred birth as they usher in the Christmas season. It is inspired by the Creche Festival held at Mepkin Abbey in South Carolina each year since 2002. It was also a custom of some Monasteries in Europe to have these during the Advent Season.
The Nativity scene has been around since 1223 when St. Francis of Assisi was inspired by a trip to the Holy Land. He used living people and animals to stage Jesus Christ’s humble beginnings. The living scene was soon recreated in other Catholic countries in the form of three-dimensional figurines, also known as a crèche. With Mary and the Christ child at the center, the scene also featured Joseph, shepherds, wise men, angels and animals. The crèche gained popularity and has spread across cultural and political boundaries to become a traditional Christian symbol of Christ’s birth.
“We know that each church in the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana has a unique Nativity scene,” added Father Huemmer. “So, the first year of the festival, we asked the pastorates for Nativity pictures to share with our guests.”
There is a framed picture of each parish in the Diocese along the main hallway on the first floor of the retreat center.
“For the festival, we pair the Nativity picture with the parish picture,” added Father Huemmer. “Visitors love these! We see them looking for their home parish or the church they were married in. We hear them reminisce about seeing the Nativity set in person. You can take a pictorial pilgrimage through the diocese and see each parish and their Nativity scene.”
In the Carpenter’s Shop visitors can purchase a metal ornament with a cutout of the 1950’s St. Joseph Academy Nativity set that commemorates the annual Festival. Other Advent and Christmas items, including books, several hand-made Peg Doll Nativity sets by Benedictine Blessings and other unique items, have been curated by our volunteer gift shop coordinator.
In addition, the annual Litany of St. Joseph ornament, Illustrious Scion of David for 2024, is available now. This hand-painted and hand-lettered ornament, created by Julie Weinkauf of Calligraphy Jewels, is purple and features a gold crown highlighting Jesus’ kingship.
“We want the Festival of Nativities to be a family tradition for years to come” said Lisa Hemmerling, hospitality & events associate at SJRCC. “We love displaying Nativity sets from all across the Diocese, and it's a great way for us to welcome guests to the retreat center to see all that we have to offer!”
Do you have a Nativity set you’d like to display at this event, contact Marketing Specialist Twyla Arnold, (765) 551-9584 or [email protected] to participate!
Other Advent Offerings!
The 2024 ornament, Illustrious Scion of David, is available for $18 in The Carpenter’s Shop. This is the 6th hand-made ornament, created by Calligraphy Jewels, based on the Litany of St. Joseph in the St. Joseph chapel. Ornaments from past years are available as well.
December 1st: Subscribers can ‘opt in’ to receive our Jesse Tree Advent Daily Devotional via email. Or follow along on Facebook and Instagram! Each day features a graphic with a bible character and symbol, scripture and an Advent song to point the way to Bethlehem. Each day symbolizes people or events in salvation history-- the events in human history that accomplish the saving action of God. Reflecting on salvation history allows us to see how God prepared the world for the coming of Jesus. Email [email protected] to ‘opt in.’
December 1st: Visit to find three Advent music playlists: contemporary, traditional and Gregorian chants! If you already have a account, search for the St. Joseph Retreat & Conference Center and 'follow' us. Be sure and 'like' our Advent Playlists so you can listen throughout the season.
December 3rd: Once again, SJRCC will participate in #GivingTuesday national day of giving. Each year we strive to share an annual update of retreat center activities so our donors can see the scope of services and people we touch each day. Look for SJRCC on #GivingTuesday December 3rd or donate ONLINE today!
December 10th: This Advent, learn about The Jessie Tree Devotion and the ancient O’Antiphon prayers to explore the scriptural promises of the coming Messiah. This $35 Advent Day of Reflection retreat begins with Morning Prayer and ends with Adoration, Daytime Prayer and Benediction. In between, guests will enjoy two conferences. Mass, lunch and time for personal reflection will round out the day. Register HERE! While you’re here, check out our Jesse Tree with ornaments based on the images from our annual Jesse Tree Advent Daily Devotional.
Pick up a commemorative Festival of Nativities ornament that features an image of the holy family from the St. Joseph Academy nativity set, $18 in the Carpenter’s Shop.
December 17th: Come to our campus for a peaceful day of prayer on our self-guided $25 Get Away for a Day retreat. Enjoy the beautiful grounds, visit the shrines, read in one of our cozy gathering spaces, make the Way of the Cross, spend time in prayer in the St. Joseph Chapel. This unstructured retreat features reconciliation, mass, a Keltie & Co. Catering lunch and daytime prayer. Follow this link to register