With the success of last year’s event, the second annual Festival of Nativities has expanded to two days, Saturday and Sunday, December 16 and 17, 2023 from 11 am to 4 pm each day. Sunday’s event will end with Advent Vespers at 4 pm in the St. Joseph Chapel. The Advent Vespers are the Evening prayer of thanksgiving of the church composed of psalms, antiphons, readings and intercessions.
“More than 200 guests visited our campus in 2022 to view just over 80 nativity sets,” said Lisa Hemmerling, hospitality & events associate at the St. Joseph Retreat & Conference Center. “So many told us they wished we could offer two days so other friends and family could attend. With the support of several volunteers, we’re making that happen this year.”
Set up like an Open House, guests are invited to wander through the retreat center to view the nativity displays. Once again, the submitted nativity sets will be divided within the building. The Emmaus room will feature nativities that are family heirlooms. Children’s sets will be displayed in the St. Philip Neri room. The 150-piece Fontanini set will be displayed in the St. Bernard room. Guests can view nativities from around the world in the St. Elizabeth Seton room and handmade sets in the St. Jerome Library. Displays feature a description card along with the submitters name. Light refreshments will also be available.
“We’re so blessed to have two anonymous volunteers who jumped in with both feet to help last year,” said Father Huemmer, chaplain at SJRCC. “One of them had a very large collection of nativities—many from around the world—and the other had a flair for display and décor. The two of them really helped us create the look of the whole event. And they’re back for 2023!”
While submissions are still coming in, the retreat center staff expects more than 115 displays for this year’s event. Another new aspect this year is a live nativity! Students from St. John the Baptist in Tipton will portray the holy family along with some animals in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Courtyard on Sunday, December 17th from 2 pm to 4 pm. SJRCC volunteer, Andi Pumphrey, is coordinating the young people and adult volunteers.
“This family-friendly event is designed to provide a peaceful place for individuals and families to reflect upon Christ’s sacred birth as they usher in the Christmas season,” said Father Huemmer. “It is inspired by the Festival of Nativities held at Mepkin Abbey in South Carolina each year. It was a custom of some Monasteries in Europe to have these during the Advent Season. So, we thought it would be exciting to try one here at St. Joseph’s!”
The nativity scene has been around since 1223 when St. Francis of Assisi was inspired by a trip to the Holy Land. He used living people and animals to stage Jesus Christ’s humble beginnings. The living scene was soon recreated in other Catholic countries in the form of three-dimensional figurines, also known as a crèche. With Mary and the Christ child at the center, the scene also featured Joseph, shepherds, wisemen, angels and animals. The crèche gained popularity and has spread across cultural and political boundaries to become a traditional Christian symbol of Christ’s birth.
“Because the retreat center is for the whole Diocese—around 98,000 Catholics in 24 counties covering more than 9000 square miles--we invited each pastorate to submit a picture of their nativity set,” said Father Huemmer. “As guests walk down our main hallway and see the 61 churches of the diocese along with a picture of their nativity set, we hope they will be encouraged to make a pilgrimage of sorts during the Christmas season to visit pastorate church nativity sets.”
Also new this year, the Carpenter’s Shop will offer a metal ornament for sale that features a depiction of the 1950’s St. Joseph Academy nativity set and commemorates this annual event.
In addition, the annual Litany of St. Joseph ornament, Lover of Poverty for 2023, is available now. This hand-painted and hand-lettered ornament features the manger from the large Sisters of St. Joseph nativity set that is more than 80 years old.
“We want to make this a traditional event for families to look forward to for years to come” said Hemmerling. “We have volunteers submitting nativities, helping with set up and volunteering at the festival. It is truly a partnership with members of the diocese to highlight their gifts. We are so blessed.”
Celebra la temporada de Adviento en nuestro Primer Festival Anual de Nacimientos de dos días el Sabado, 16 y el Domingo, 17 de Diciembre de 11am a 4pm ET en el centro de retiro y conferencia de San José en Tipton.
Únete a nosotros para celebrar el nacimiento de Jesucristo al ver más de 80 exhibiciones de nacimientos instaladas en todo nuestro edificio principal. Este evento familiar ofrece un lugar tranquilo para que los invitados reflexionen sobre el nacimiento sagrado de cristo mientras marcan el comienzo de la temporada navideña. Se servirán bocadillos ligeros.
Reserva para este evento gratuito aquí https://www.stjosephretreat.org/festival-of-nativities-saturday-sunday-december-16-17-2023
St. Joseph Retreat & Conference Center, 1440 W. Division Road, Tipton, IN 46072
¿Tienes un Nacimiento que le gustaría exhibir en este evento? Comuníquese con Twyla Arnold, Especialista en Marketing, (765) 551-9584 o [email protected] para participar!